Jan 21 | Categories: Resources

10 Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Marketing in 2021

10 Ways to Clean Up Your Digital Marketing in 2021

Take a look around you. What do you see? What are you sitting on, touching, looking at? We are surrounded by visuals to take in, whether they are tools of productivity or a source of distraction.

Organization is imperative to your work and mental wellbeing. When it comes to digital marketing, being precise by taking organizational measures can enhance your marketing. Let’s take a look at 10 helpful tips and tricks to maximize your organization and clear the way for effective and efficient digital marketing this year.

Most tips can be digitalized or hardcopy. We recommend going digital for team members’ sake, especially in this era of remote working and adapting to the unpredictable. Yet, it’s always beneficial to have your own organization methods; if that means hardcopy, go for it!

  1. First things first, step away from the screen

Really, it works! Though it’s tempting to check your email or Facebook feed first thing after hitting your alarm button (no shame, we’ve all done it), try instead to clear your mind by practicing breathing exercises or morning meditation. Beginning your day with meditating in a quiet space can improve your energy throughout the day.

  1. Clean house 

Adjust your space to work for you; if you’re a notetaker, make sure your notepad and pens have a dedicated, accessible place. If not, let them go. Allow yourself a physical space that is comforting, welcoming, and personalized to your needs without the excess of clutter. Spring cleaning can be applied to any season.

  1. Digital de-clutter

Start your year off fresh with a clean slate, and by slate, I mean email inbox. Set aside time to de-clutter your inbox; delete your spam mail, your social notifications, anything deemed as clutter. Unsubscribe where necessary. Make an individualized file system for emails you’d like to keep. Consolidation is key.

  1. Content calendar

One of the best ways to organize your marketing is by using a content calendar. There are tons of content types such as newsletters, blogs, daily social posts, infographics, articles, and more that need to be intentionally planned and published. Without content calendars, all of your hard work can get lost in the process of pushing content. It’s important to keep everything on a schedule so your content is posted when the timing is best for viewing traffic. Organizers like Hootsuite and Project Manager to help make scheduling and publishing posts easy.

When working with your team, accountability is important. Placing assignments and deadlines in a content calendar that everyone has access to is best so that if something is off, others will likely notice. Plus, it keeps everyone on the same page. If you need more of a tangible checklist, making an index card calendar can be a huge help!

  1. Digital asset tools

Digital asset tools are sites and software you can use for file sharing and task management. You can add content, deadlines, and assign tasks to your employees. This is the perfect way for your entire business to stay organized and keep your team on track.

There are a variety of different tools out there ranging in price, but to get the best bang for your buck we recommend using:

Each tool offers a free trial. Take the time to check them out and see which one works best for your needs.

  1. Priority-based to-do lists

We’re going to take the original to-do list and amp it up a few notches. To-do lists are always a go-to when it comes to organizing. Make a personalized system on what you need to prioritize your day, week, month, and quarter. If you’re a numbers person, chart out your list. Color coordinating items always make for a pretty and satisfying look. Even shapes or icons can identify your priorities.

If you diverge from your list, you have at least captured what needs to happen and the time necessary to complete a task. To-do lists are key to reducing procrastination.

  1. Get yourself a planner

This is for those of us who enjoy pen-to-paper organization. Planners can add a tangible source of structure to your workday. Shinola, a fellow Michigan-based company, makes our favorite planner, but there are plenty more out there to fit your organizational needs.

  1. No multitasking

Stick to one thing at a time. Years of research show that multitasking is a myth and attempting it decreases a person’s productivity by 40% overall. By sticking to one task at a time, you’ll be able to be your most productive self.

  1. Set break timers

It can be easy to get caught up in a single task. Set timers for yourself as reminders to stand up and stretch, switch tasks if you’re on deadline, or maybe even breathe and destress for a moment. Breaking your day up into chunks can ultimately help you stay on task.

  1. Be gracious towards yourself and others

Last but not least, be kind to yourself and your co-workers. Know that uncontrollable events happen. Being organized will keep you on track for work and make it easier to manage and navigate tasks when unpredictable events arise. If you work with a digital marketing agency, staying organized can also help streamline collaboration and ensure campaigns run smoothly. When you don’t get something done, put it at the top of your list for the next day or reevaluate your time management methods. Don’t worry, your tasks will get done if you stick to your method of organization.

There you have it! We wish you the best of luck in your organizational practices. For more digital marketing tips like the ones in this article, send us a message. We’re happy to help!

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