Apr 19 | Categories: Paid Search
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Big updates have come from Google’s latest algorithm update. The search engine recently implemented Google passage rankings which Google claims will improve 7% of search queries globally after worldwide rollout. Since it was founded, the search engine has made various updates big and small. The most recent Passage Ranking update combines AI and a language system to better understand and present relevant content to a query.
Before we get into updates, let’s cover Google Algorithms as a whole. Google algorithms are complex ranking systems that sort through the seemingly infinite amount of content on the web. Search algorithms scan through pre-made indexes to find what you’re looking for in a matter of milliseconds.
As search algorithms have progressed, they not only give you relevant results, they also present results in a comprehensive and quality fashion.
Google search algorithms have a set of standards they use to present information. You type your query into the search bar, and the search engine algorithm gives you the information it believes you want. Results are based on:
Google’s responses to your queries are called SERPs, which stands for Search Engine Results Pages. For businesses who wish to increase their Search Engine Optimization, google algorithms matter, a lot. Google algorithms determine what sites are relevant, quality material to present to a searcher.
Google history has produced its fair share of algorithm updates. Google was founded in September 1998 and for the past (nearly) 23 years, Google has advanced as a company and technology empire. Aside from their company growth, Google has spent over two decades reforming search algorithms to make life easier for you and all of their worldwide users. Let’s go over some highlights of the Google timeline:
Google algorithm updates are actually quite frequent. Google makes little tweaks to revamp its algorithms. Usually, these upgrades are small enough to go unnoticed, but the most recent updates have made SERP results more specific and advanced. Google algorithm’s latest update is passage ranking.
Google started a Twitter thread back in October explaining their anticipated passage ranking updates. Google announced the official launch for US queries in English in early February. They plan on launching passage ranking globally. Google will continue updating the thread as the algorithm update is set in motion in other geographic locations.
When you type a query into Google, a search algorithm reviews all content on a webpage to see if there is relevant information. Then Google gives you the links to pages. Here’s where the issues came in:
Web pages can be long, so even if Google gave you information relevant to your query, the answer to your query could be buried in the content of a whole page. Specific searches can be weakened as you scan a whole article when you just want the content of a specific passage of a website in the context of your search.
Google then presents the most relevant passage from the most relevant pages for your Google search. The new algorithm hones in on particular, single content to help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
Google search is all about accessibility. It wants to understand what you’re asking and give you the best results. A large part of the passage ranking update is the result of the BERT language understanding system along with advanced artificial intelligence.
Passage ranking has used AI to better understand both your query and passage relevance. Passage ranking looks at how keywords stand out within passages and the coherency of those passages based on syntax and overall relevance of a whole article. Passage ranking focuses on the details. Google algorithm is now able to literally highlight a portion of text. It will also present the focused section into your search results.
Along with the main focus of passage ranking, a huge advancement in the Google algorithm, the update comes with other content features as well. With these features, you’ll find that when you type in your quarry, the type of SERP may change to what google considers a suitable result. This will change the format of how your results appear.
Subtopics gives you lists of potentially relevant information for a broad search. It can show you a wide range of what Google thinks you mean to get you to the place you want to get to.
Google is also helping with the accessibility to Coronavirus information and not just news updates. Navigating in the physical world has become… tricky, to say the least. Google updates include live busyness updates and Live Views for businesses so you can know about the volume of people at a certain location. Google is also adding COVID-19 safety information.
It has been over a year since the first shutdowns happened in the United States and what a year it has been! Google’s Full Coverage feature was first implemented in 2018 with Google News. The latest Google update has a Full Coverage page that focuses on long-running topics and includes ever-updating information and contributing information from various reputable sources.
Google also has a new way to scan videos through AI. The algorithm is able to find moments in a portion of a video for you to watch. The AI makes video clips accessible and more navigable.
Data sets through Data Commons Project allow exploration into specific data with relevant data points. The idea is to allow more in-depth understanding through data.
Lens and AR allow you to see what you search in a more complex visualization, and in 3D in some cases. This can help with shopping experiences especially.
One of our new favorites is hum to search where you can hum into google and AI will give you song lyrics and information. How. Cool.
Actually, not a whole lot. The Google Algorithm updates do not necessarily impact search rankings, just the way Google presents information to its user. In past Google updates, SEO changes needed to be made, but this latest update is for Google itself. Google is basically teaching itself how to separate bits of information individually for a page’s content.
If you have quality content, your rankings may see a small amount of fluctuation, but not much. The update is about how Google understands then presents your content to a searcher.
If you are trying to rank high on SERP, the most important thing to do is create quality content. You don’t have to make changes to your website.
For creating future content, there are some ways of writing that may benefit you in conjunction with this latest algorithm update:
SEO is all about having a good relationship with Google algorithms. Just like any relationship, it takes work. Building SEO can be intimidating but don’t worry, we’ve got you! Our team specializes in professional search engine optimization to help you navigate these changes effectively. If you have any questions about understanding this new Google algorithm, your current SEO, or digital marketing in general, please reach out! We look forward to talking with you!
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