How Your Law Firm Can Take its Legal Content Writing to the Next Level

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Legal Content Writing: Complete Guide to Finding Legal SEO Writer and Content Writing for Law Firms

There’s no getting around the fact that this past year has been interesting—to say the least. For starters, the world has almost completely shifted to an online space, meaning in one way or another, we’ve all been confined to our screens. In-person meetings have moved online to Zoom. Court dates have now been postponed once, and then postponed again. Yet, people still need attorneys, have questions about their legal problems, and want to get help from law firms close to home.

With so much of our everyday lives now taking place online, it’s essential for law firms to have an online presence. Maybe you have a website, give some information about yourself and your firm, and provide some points of contact. This is a great start! Yet, more is needed to stay relevant online and let users know that you are an authority in your field of law.

“How do I do this?” you might ask. The answer is, with legal content.*

Legal content has the power to drive your law firm. You’ll gain traffic, increase your search engine optimization (SEO), and provide credible answers to relevant questions. To be a leader in the competitive field of online visibility for lawyers, you need strong legal content.

*If you don’t have a website with all of the essentials mentioned here, don’t fret. Our strategy development team can help you out. 

Identifying the Need for Quality Content Marketing

Content is necessary for the success of your law firm’s website. Legal content writing is crucial, but before you put law content into practice, let’s first talk about the need for both a good legal content writer along with the need for quality legal content writing.

Does Your Law Firm Content Show Your Expertise?

Legal content writing is a way to establish your voice as an authority in your field of law. When you publish your writing, you get to build a repertoire of content that will grow over time.

Is Your Legal Blog or Content Being Found?

If you haven’t already heard of SEO, it’s what makes or breaks a website when it comes to being found as a result of a Google search. In order to appear on the first page of Google or any other search engine, your SEO needs to continuously be maximized. In reality, 90.63% of all online content doesn’t even get traffic from Google. You want to be in that 9.37% that does.

In order for your content to be seen—whether that be legal blog content, service pages, or videos, to name just a few—you need to appear as a credible source, as per Google’s opinion. “Google’s opinion” is a result of what content the search engine presents to the user who types a question into a search query bar.

A person will ask the search bar their question. Google then determines what websites to present that will provide credible, accurate, and reliable answers. The better your SEO is, the more likely you are to appear on the top SERP, or Search Engine Results Page. And what is used to build SEO? You’ve got it: content.

Back to the question of “Is my legal blog or content being found online?” The answer lies in how available your content is to the people who are searching for answers. If you have the correct answer to a question, but that person has no way of accessing your website, then they are left looking to your competitors for answers.

Having quality content—content that presents factually sound legal advice—can increase your SEO, meaning your online traffic will go up. And in the cycle of optimization, the more credible traffic visits your site, the more your SEO increases. Content is used as one of the main tools for making your law firm visible online. That content and your expertise get to prove that you’re the law firm with the answers. Hello, new clients!

Are Users Interacting With Your Legal Content Writing?

Speaking of new clients, you can use legal content writing to help cultivate relationships. Communication is a two-way street. If you start the conversation using your legal blog content, you are providing an opportunity for users (a.k.a. potential clients) to inquire further.

When it comes to creating content for a law firm website, you need to know your audience. Your audience is coming to your website for a need. There is specificity in their search. In a recent survey, Google found that 48.6% of people researched their legal issues online before hiring a lawyer. Oftentimes, this need is immediate:

  • Car accident lawyer near me
  • What is the statute of limitations?
  • How do I make a settlement?
  • What is the law of x, y, and z? 

When people search your page, they do so with a purpose, looking for both answers and convenience. When looking at a geographical location, 93% of consumers looked online to find a local business in 2020. There is no coincidence involved when a person visits your site. They are viewing your content because they have a specific interest pertinent to their situation. Because of this, you already know a little bit about why they are on your page—they are looking for and at specific information. With this knowledge, you will be able to initiate a relationship. Here’s why…

Through your content, you say more than just facts. Your content allows you to have a voice even when you are not actually directly speaking one-on-one with someone. Through your tone and wording, you are communicating with your audience the type of person you are. Legal content writing can be in the form of a conversation. It may not be verbal at first, but it is your user’s introduction to who you are. If you are inviting, knowledgeable, and helpful in your content writing, then you become approachable in person. You can connect to your clients on a deeper level online, which can lead to long-term relationship building.

Legal content writing is so important because you are introducing yourself—and your credibility—to clients old and new. Building trust can start with a simple click. Be the inviting law firm that allows communication to continue by writing quality content.

Content Guide for Law Firms: What Are Some Ways to Improve My Legal Content Writing?

If you haven’t written legal blog content before, that blank white page can seem rather intimidating. If you’re watching that horizontal line blink back at you, do not fret. The truth is, law content writing is a big task, but by breaking it down into smaller steps, becoming a legal content writer is more than attainable! You and your staff can become law blog writers in no time.

Know What Words Your Client Will Use to Describe the Issue

Keywords are one of the most prominent ways of developing SEO. The key to knowing what to write is knowing what questions are being asked, and who is asking those questions.

Learn Who Your Target Audience Is

When writing content for a law firm website, knowing your audience is one of the most vital considerations to make. Knowing your audience means that you can write your content based on their needs. For example, if you know that you will be working with a primarily Spanish-speaking community, you will want to create content that is written in Spanish. This is, of course, just one example, and an obvious one at that. The less obvious attributes of your audience to consider are in the details.

When creating buyer personas, you are creating characters of the kinds of clients with whom you primarily work. You can have multiple buyer personas, in fact, we encourage it! But creating just one is a good starting point if you’re new to legal content writing.

Descriptors of your audience to include in a buyer persona include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Professional status
  • Income
  • Location
  • Personal goals
  • Career goals
  • Personality
  • Challenges
  • Influences (who are they inspired by)
  • Family life

If these sound specific, that’s because they are. And they should be! The more details you include in your buyer persona, the better idea you have of who you’re writing for. A lot goes into building a buyer persona. It’s one of the integral parts of creating a content strategy for law firms. Some of the best ways to conduct research to make a buyer persona are to:

  • Research who already views your content. Who are your existing clients? What are their needs?
  • Gather analytics insights.
    • Using Google Analytics is a great way to study who already visits your website.
    • If you’re active on Facebook, use Facebook Audience Insights as well.

Think of your buyer persona as the person you are having a conversation with. When you’re writing your law content, keep this character in mind. Write as if you are speaking with them. This will help with the quality and flow of your legal content writing. The best legal content writers are those who can write to adhere to the needs of their audience, period.

Actually Search What Your Target Audience Is Searching

You know who your audience is, now you need to know what their legal needs are. Remember the SEO we talked about before? Knowing keywords is crucial to increasing SEO. By having the answers your audience needs, you can be available to them. But how exactly are you supposed to gather this information?

Content writing for law firms requires more than just typing words onto a webpage. Content needs to be intentional and data-driven. When it comes to building SEO, each word is important. Keywords are words that your audience is plugging into their search queries. When your content contains the words they are searching for, it becomes much more likely that your legal content writing will be available for them.

  • Keyword analysis takes time and research. A legal SEO writer will conduct keyword research. Keyword ranking can be tricky, but with expertise and commitment, you can create a comprehensive list of specific keywords to target your audience.
  • Once you have your list of keywords, you can then naturally implement those keywords into your content. Keywords can be used in:
    • Headers
    • Body text
    • Sub-headings
    • Meta descriptions

The placement of your keywords tells search engine crawlers—the tool used to see how good your website is, what it’s all about, and if it’s relevant to someone’s search—what your legal content writing is actually about.

When you know what your target audience is searching for, you can write to their needs, built on a foundation of data.

Is Your Content Up to Date, Readable, & Actionable?

A large component of SEO is the quality of your content. How do you know if your content is up to high-quality standards? By seeing if your legal content writing is up to date, readable, and actionable.

  • Up to Date: How current is your content? If someone asks a question about road rules, but your law blog hasn’t been updated since 2007, there’s a very good chance that your website will not be considered up to date. Even if none of the laws have changed around a topic, it’s prudent to keep a refreshed catalog of blog posts. Now, if the law has changed, it’s even more critical to update your content. You want to give accurate information, which means keeping content up to date.  
  • Readable: When it comes to content writing for law firms, remember that you are writing to your target audience, not to other lawyers. Ditch the legal jargon and speak in layman’s terms to your audience. There needs to be a balance between professionalism—showing you know what you’re talking about—and approachability. Use vocabulary that your audience understands. This way, your tone is more welcoming, and your readers will be able to comprehend your content.

In addition, stuffing your law firm blog content with keywords at random will end up, well, pretty unreadable. Be intentional about adding keywords, but not at the expense of quality syntax.

  • Actionable: Your audience has a problem that needs a solution. Use your content to provide actionable steps to solve that problem. By providing steps towards a solution, you are showing your potential clients that you want the best for them and know how to achieve that. It’s a large part of establishing your relationship. Actionable content builds trust.

Demonstrate Your Law Practice’s Expertise with Legal Content Writing Samples

Once you’ve started publishing your content, it’s time to show off your expertise. Providing samples of your writing on various platforms can give readers and future clients a snapshot of who you are and what you provide.

Promote Your Law Firm’s Legal Content Everywhere!

Now that you’ve published your content to your site, you don’t have to leave it up to your SEO to dictate who sees it. We live in a digital age when you can promote your law firm blog content online, at any time, essentially anywhere. Market yourself and have fun with it!


Social media platforms are incredibly useful for advertising your law firm. Putting content onto platforms like Facebook allows for users to interact with your posts. You can attract people to posts, lead them to your business page, and then onto to your website. All for free. If you want more in-depth insight on purchasing social ads, our PPC team can answer any questions you may have.


Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn can be used to promote your content. LinkedIn as a social platform provides a unique setting, as it is strictly for business purposes, meaning you can tailor your posts in a more professional manner. Facebook and LinkedIn have different users, meaning that the way you present your legal content writing will look and sound different between the two social outlets.


Emails are personal and pointed. Through email, you can be strategic about the information you give to subscribers as well as initiate communication—engagement!—with them. In fact, according to the American Bar Association, at 41%, email was one of the leading channels for law marketing across all firms in 2020.

Online Forums

Bump up that participation on online forums. When you provide answers to legal questions in forums like Reddit, Facebook, or Quora, you can then start a relationship and link back to your website.

Too Busy Being a Lawyer? Consider Working With a Legal SEO Writer for Better Content Marketing

Here’s the thing about legal content writing: It takes commitment, time, data analysis, and much, much more. For someone who already works so hard at being an attorney, adding content writer to your resume may not sound appealing.

Legal content writing can feel like an additional job. In fact, it is a job. That’s where we come in.

Metric Marketing: A Full-Service Agency Offering Flexibility and Tailored Digital Marketing Strategies

Here at Metric Marketing, we create a content strategy for law firms. We understand that your law firm is one of a kind. Since every law firm is different, you are going to need individualized content. However, you are also a competitor in your field, so a balance needs to be maintained between having relevant information and having your own voice online.

At Metric Marketing, we take the time to get to know you. We value our relationships with our clients. By having a deeper understanding of who you are, we can create a content strategy just for you. Any content for a law firm website should not be made using a cookie-cutter formula. You have a voice online, and we can help tailor that voice to meet your needs and goals.

Metric Legal SEO Writers Can Help Take Your Law Firm to the Top of Google

We provide legal content writing services that are meant to be read. You may be thinking, well, obviously. But a huge part of having your content read is providing access to that content.

Accessing your content is done by increasing your online visibility. How often do you scroll to the bottom of a search engine to look at the second, third, or tenth page of search results? Our Legal SEO writers will use our skills to bring your legal blog content to the top of Google.

Experts Can Measure the Success of Your Content Marketing

Our legal content writing services are built on a foundation of data and analytics. Our team has such a great success rate because we track the amount and type of traffic that visits your website, clicks your ads, and sees your content. It’s not bragging if it’s data-driven, is it?

With our resources, we can measure the success of how your content writing is performing and adjust and improve so your site will be the best it can be.

We also pride ourselves on providing transparency. We walk you through how the process works and include you in all measuring and reporting. Your success is data-driven, and here at Metric Marketing, we love data!

Cross-Functional SEO Teams Can Launch and Optimize Your Legal Blog Content for Better Organic Traffic

If you couldn’t tell by now, SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. Organic traffic refers to the search results that come on SERP pages that are not paid for, aka organic. Our team is comprised of SEO experts who have the experience and knowledge to conduct thorough SEO searches to optimize your content. The more your content impresses Google, the better SEO you have, and the greater your organic traffic will be. Building SEO takes time, strategy, and expertise. Leave the research to us; we can use our abilities to bring people to your legal content.

Search Engine-Optimized Design

Search Engine-Optimized Design

Every page on your Metric website has the optimal code structure to maximize search engine visibility and user conversions.

Local & Regional SEO Strategy

Local & Regional SEO Strategy

Google's algorithm changed? No problem, our developers monitor changes and update your Metric website automatically.

Automatic SEO Updates

Automatic SEO Updates

Adding a new practice area? Highlighting one you have? Our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way.

Search Engine-Optimized Speed

Search Engine-Optimized Speed

Your Metric website is optimized to deliver the load times Google wants to see in Core Web Vitals.

Next Steps for Your Law Firm

Legal content writing is a necessary component for successful online marketing. Content is always changing as your industry changes. With legal blog content, you can provide answers, establish credibility, build relationships, and introduce yourself to clients. The key to management is consistency; providing a steady flow of quality content keeps your law firm relevant. And content will assist in establishing you as a leader in your field.

Working with our content marketing team can greatly contribute to data-driven, high-quality content for your law firm website. Our law blog writers are accredited professionals who know how to balance optimization with human connection. We provide ongoing content marketing services to create well-rounded legal content.

The Ultimate Guide: 6 Digital Marketing Strategies For Law Firms

Six legal digital marketing strategies to help your law firm rank higher on search engines and reach more clients.

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